Apple iMessage vulnerability is about to be repaired

Apple iMessage vulnerability is about to be repaired

Since the release of iOS 7.1.1, the user's criticism of iOS remains because many loopholes remain unrepaired. However, for the previous user response iMessage affect the user to receive information, Apple officials have realized that the problem exists. In addition to the report released by the representative of AppleCare, this is the first formal response from the Apple official. According to the affected users, the iPhone was previously used and the iMessage was bound, but after replacing it with another device, they could not receive the information.

iMessage Vulnerability Affects Users Apple stated in its statement that we have recently fixed a server-related iMessage vulnerability that has caused confusion to many users' friends. There is also a loophole that we will fix in future updates. It is not yet known what type of software update Apple is talking about. However, after the repair, the iPhone should be able to quickly switch messages in the form of SMS after the iMessage cannot be used. In addition, Apple also provides related support page links to guide users how to prohibit iMessage.

IMessage vulnerabilities are back in iOS 5 Although this problem already exists in iOS 5, but recently it has once again attracted the attention of users, last week because of the problem Apple has been sued by the user to court. Previously, foreign media have detected that Apple is making extensive use of the iOS 7.1.2 system for networking tests. Therefore, Apple is likely to release iOS 7.1.2 to fix previously discovered loopholes.

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